Add up to 10 multiple image files
(Size Limit: 2MB per file | Supported Formats: JPEG & PNG)
If you're a webmaster, you need your website to load faster and get a better user experience. According to research, a website that loads faster gets more engagement than a website that takes time to load. One main factor is that larger images could slow websites' speed, and it takes time to load in browsers. That's why we need to use optimized images on our website. You can also save your website's disk space. You can compress any image with the help of our image optimizer tool. It will help you compress your images to minimize their size without losing their original pixel quality in a minute .
An image optimizer is a tool that compresses image size without losing original pixels quality . It is a free tool that supports multi-format images. To use an image, select an image file and the tool will compress the image in a minute.
How to use an image optimizer
You can use the tool by following these steps.
Jpeg image compressor
An image optimizer can compress any jpeg format image; simply upload up to ten jpeg images at a time and get compressed images.
Reduce image size to 20kb
With the image optimizer, you can compress the image size to 20 kb without losing original pixels.
Png image compression
With image optimizer, you can compress any png image file. Simply upload any png image and get compressed images without losing original quality.
Multiple-image upload
On the image optimizer, you can upload up to 10 images at once and compress them all at the same time. It saves your time
To improve the user experience on your website, we do image optimization. On-page SEO is part of image optimization and is the most important part of any website to optimize. According to the SEO guide, there are important ways to optimize images for the web. We can optimize images and decrease website page load speed.
Here are some image optimization tips for websites.